Toolmakers for the web 3.0 fully distributed future

Contact Us

History was envisioned in 2015, when the partners discovered blockchain. They were the original members and organisers of the Blockchain Developers Meetup in Melbourne, Australia. Mike met with core developers for Holochain in 2018. In 2019, we found a dearth of tools that allowed people to see and use distributed networks. adappt was changed from an Ethererum smart contracts company to a Holochain distributed toolmaker.

adappt-web3 redgrid-solar-panels


Where are the networks? What is my identity?

Observe and Analyse

What are the networks doing? How well is my neighbourhood doing? What is the bigger picture (emergent) behaviour?


Test what/if scenarios by introducing changes or perturbations to see how the networks react, before a widespread rollout.

(formerly on Twitter, now mainly on Discord)

Our Vision

Web 2.0 started off okay.. we were able to keep in touch and order things and share our lives via social networks for no cost. Except there was a cost; our data went to 'the cloud' and was used in unforeseen ways, because we had agreed to terms and conditions. And by bringing user data to the provider, all your medical records, credit card information, and personality were available for the highest bidder.

Web 3 is a fully decentralised web, where there is no centre. Blockchain technologies promise decentralisation, but because they were built 'top down' with one logical ledger, they suffer from inability to scale.

Holochain is the true web 3. Networks are built 'bottom up', starting with an agent (you) talking to another agent (me). Others are added as needed. This is the way nature works, and it does scale. Infinitely.

This is a very different way to write software. We are not used to it, so we need tools to help us understand the way nature builds systems and networks. And natural systems behave simply at a local level but complex as local behaviour compounds: we get emergent behaviour.

The world needs help visualising how this works. adappt is building the way.

Get Started


How do we visualise these new, distributed networks? adappt embarked on this mission because we and other Holochain developers were running into the same problem.


Establish and set parameters using the distributed networks editor. Set visualisation such as the colour and thickness of links, state representation, and virtual control signals.

Provide context in your problem space by representing nodes and their environment from a rich set of icons. Store behaviours to build up your library, or choose from the growing set of community templates.


Find and map your DHT neighbourhood, or enter a new one, using multicast DNS (MDNS) or tweak a Kademlia protocol. You can 'meet': introduce your node to the others on the DHT, or 'greet' : acknowledge new joining members.

The utility describes all shared information about nodes on the networks, and the DHT version that has brought them together. Activity information such as uptime and the number of transactions per node can be presented.


Built on top of distributed networks are behavioural rules that represent the market itself.

The market is defined by currencies. A main currency is traded amongst nodes, but other currencies, such as reputation, is accrued and influences market dynamics. This tool allows you to tweak the rules to get the desired behaviours, and to weed out bad actors or unwanted consequences.


Combined with the Market and Discover tools, a simulation allows you to try 'what-if' scenarios with the parameters that define the environment. Distributed networks behave like natural systems in a manner called 'biomimicry'. Establish your network and see how it operates, with introduced perturbations and disruptions. Explore 'ripple effects', 'black swans', and blindsides.


The most powerful feature of distributed networks is setting up a handful of rules, and seeing an overarching behaviour emerge. This is dynamic programming: the dynamic of a beehive and an anthill.

With changes upstream, dynamics will cause bifurcations. This is chaos theory as it appears in the natural world.

Our Team

Our principals come from deep expertise in software development and software architecture. We utilise dev teams from around the world.

Get In Touch

We'd love to chat with you about web 3.0 where the migration from centralised systems is complete.

  • Email info at
  • LinkedIn company/adappt_io
  • Address Near Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia